Anita's Healing Hands
Massage and Ayurvedic Wellness




    Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health practice that helps people take control of their health and well being. Ayurveda is a sanskrit word that translates to “science of life” and is done by observing one's daily routines and practices. This 5,000 year old life science understands that everyone is uniquely different and should be treated as such. Ayurveda is practiced all over the world helping people with a wide variety of issues through dietary changes and structure, daily routines, body treatments, herbal recommendations and yoga or exercise.

    According to ayurveda, everything is composed of and represented by the five elements (panchamahabuthas): Air (Vayu), Space (Akasha), Earth (Pritvhi), Fire (Tejas) and Water (Aapa). When combined together these elements create a dosh, vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water) and kaph (water and earth). Everyone has a unique combination of doshas that make them different. This combination is called your prakiti or natural balanced state. It is through the understanding of a person's dosha and prakiti that we can better understand a person's current health and how to bring them back to a healthier state. 


       Ayurvedic consultations are done by doing a very thorough intake and wellness evaluation. During these sessions we not only go over your main concerns but we will look at your overall health from an ayurvedic perspective to help come up with a proper plan specialized for your prakiti and doshic imbalances that may be causing certain health concerns whether they be mentally or physically. These suggested changes can range from daily lifestyle routines, dietary suggestions, herbal recommendations and or body treatments.               


Initial Consultations- This is the first step towards an ayurvedic lifestyle and treatment plan. During this consultation we will determine your prakiti (unique combination of doshas that make you up), determine your imbalances and how to bring you back to balance. You will receive a dietary plan that will include guidelines that will best be suited for your imbalances while keeping it manageable for your lifestyle. Lifestyle changes will be given not only to help you take better care of yourself, but to correct current imbalances and to prevent future imbalances. Herbal recommendations and  ayurvedic body treatments will be given to help aid in rebalancing the inside and outside of the body. 

        Initial consultations can run from 60 Min to 90 Min depending on what we are going over and includes a 20 Min follow up a few days later when your plan is complete so we can go over things and I can answer any questions.



Follow Up Consultations- Follow up appointments are an important part of ayurvedic treatment process.  This is where we help follow and track your progress, address any new concerns and changes that may occur along the way and make the proper adjustments to help keep you in balance. Just like how a balancing scale can become off balance with adjustments to one side our bodies can do the same. While some changes may bring balance some may need fine tuning to create a more balanced you. This is why it is recommended to do follow up every 2-4 weeks at first then as needed as things become better and more balanced.




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